A couple of years ago, I noticed that SMEs rarely can start international trade cost-effectively. Compared to occasional sender rates, for example, sending a package from Germany here is much cheaper than sending from here to there. And the same applies to almost all key export countries. How can Finnish e-commerce conduct business when shipping costs are almost double?
Our volumes don't always reach competitive freight prices. And Finnish e-commerce orders often stop when freight costs almost the same as the item itself.
Faster, easier, and more affordable were the three words I started thinking about and around which I decided to build operations. Each of these words opened up countless questions and also incredibly great challenges.
Soon I was at the stage where I was planning a website through which customers could find all shipping methods conveniently in one place, could choose solutions that fit their specific needs and situations, and would save money on top of it all.
Customer accounts were opened with numerous shipping companies. Companies no longer need to spend time searching for the right shipping option. Our customers get services from multiple shipping companies with one registration. Especially for small and medium-sized businesses, the benefit is significant.
The ultimate - and completely realistic - goal of the service is to offer Finns the right shipping methods for all shipping needs while improving Finland's competitiveness globally.
Through Shipit, I also want to bring something completely new to the market. And more new things are coming, more about this very soon.
Lari Pihlajapuro | CEO Shipit Oy Ab