For Private Individuals Paketin lähettäminen | | Shipit

For Private Individuals

Shipit offers a flexible and easy way to send packages. Try our shipping calculator and find the most suitable shipping method from our comprehensive delivery options.

For Private Individuals

Enter package details

Enter the shipment details into the shipping calculator: from where to where and dimensions, after which our shipping tool will offer you the most suitable services from different carrier for your shipment.

Choose delivery option

Our program shows package shipping prices, delivery methods, and estimated delivery times from different carriers - choose the one that suits you best

Take the package to a pickup point

Enter the sender and recipient information, attach the address label visibly on the package and take it to the nearest pickup point of your chosen shipping company.



After registering to our service, you can make a shipment in just a minute!

You can make shipments in our service without registration, but registration is also free. After registering to Shipit service, you can check your shipping information and track your shipments. You can see your shipping history and save and add recipient addresses to your address book. From Shipit's address book, you can select recipient information in the shipment details section, saving you time.

Register now

Payment methods

Versatile payment methods

As a private individual, you can use the following payment methods when dealing with Shipit: Advance payment, Wallet payment, and Credit card storage in wallet for automatic top-up. Read more about payment methods and send packages easily and quickly without hidden costs.

Payment methods

Package packing

Packing instructions

Remember to pack and protect your shipment properly. Careful and correct package packing is of paramount importance. An incorrectly packed shipment may cause damage to people, other shipments, and the product may not withstand the stress during transport.

Read more about package packing
Contact us!

Contact us!

Our customer service is available on weekdays from 9 AM to 4 PM. You can contact us through the contact form or chat, by phone, or directly via email at customerservice (at)
