If you try to ship the following products, please note that they all have restrictions (country-specific or carrier-specific). Contact the shipping company to find out if the item can be shipped and how. For questions related to dangerous goods transportation, please visit www.cargosafe.fi
For shipping packages abroad, you can find more information about country-specific restrictions here.
Money, securities, lottery tickets, traveler's checks, platinum, gold or silver (processed or unprocessed), precious stones, jewelry, and other valuables such as artwork, furs, and antiques. Works where the artist is not alive are not compensatable, therefore shipping these items is at the sender's own risk. There are carrier-specific exceptions, for example, valuables sent through Postnord cannot exceed €520 per shipment.
Narcotics e.g., LSD, morphine, cocaine, cannabis products, opium
Hemp products, e.g., clothing or beauty products containing tetrahydrocannabinol.
Propaganda and hate materials
Alcohol and tobacco products
Counterfeits and pirated products
Firearms, ammunition, air and gas pistols, and objects resembling these
Live or dead animals
Perishable food items
Live plants
Objects and substances prohibited by law to possess or use
UPS services cannot be used to ship food items to CIS countries and Thailand, UPS may also have other exceptions regarding food shipments.
You can find other prohibited substances or items subject to restrictions under dangerous goods.